A little bit about Jessie

A little history, in case you are curious.
Jessie gained an interest in drawing when she was very little and her interest continued to grow as she entered High School. She spent as much time as she could in the art room where her teachers were always very supportive and gave her a lot of creative freedom. When she graduated from High School she thought for sure she was headed for ART SCHOOL. She did, indeed, end up going to a school with a great art curriculum, Kutztown University, but she was intimidated by the portfolio requirements to get accepted into the program and landed a degree in Video Production instead. Still, all through college she continued to paint and draw. After college she worked at QVC in West Chester, PA and found her industry niche as a Set Dresser for the live show. But still, she continued to paint and draw. Jessie showed her paintings at festivals and in galleries around the city. She started screen printing t-shirts by hand and selling them at festivals (she still has all the screens!). She was gaining a presence in the Philly Art scene and decided to go back to school with the goal of getting a MFA degree. Her path took a turn though and she ended up working at a Trade Show Design Firm where she started to focus on a career as a Project Manager. Jessie stopped drawing & painting for almost a decade. She continued to work as a project manager, she became a home owner, a dog mom and then a human mom, she got married and then in July of 2016 she started drawing again. She will tell you that drawing was exactly what she had needed to slow herself down and help her stay grounded. She built a webstore: jessiehusband.com and started to gain an audience and sell her work again.
"It’s been an amazing couple of years and I feel like I finally found my groove. Right now I love drawing maps and lyrics. My goals are to illustrate beer labels and posters for the Avett Brothers (or John Prine) and of course to never stop drawing again..." -Jessie Husband